TTLG ships across Canada and to the USA.

Tariffs on Canadian goods have not yet been implemented on orders under $800US

Free standard shipping on orders over $200.

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It can be natural to feel uncertain when dealing with an online business that you haven’t interacted with before.

Although TTLG Creations has had a web presence since 2018, I can still appreciate that some shoppers looking to purchase one of my handcrafted items may initially feel more comfortable if shopping and purchasing from a larger venue, such as Etsy.

TTLG Creations is on Etsy as "TTLGGallery" where you will find all my currently available ready-to-ship items, just as listed here. But please note that for technical reasons I only offer my made-to-order and (eventually) custom design-your-own wallets and bags from this site. So wherever you purchase from, my sincere thanks for visiting here and my TTLGGallery shop!